Coaching Philosophy
Nutrition and health coaching focuses on supporting you within the context of your real (and maybe complex) life. We collaborate to build a structured plan based on your goals and aspirations. You choose and practice small “doable” nutrition, movement, sleep and/or stress coping skills for a minimum of 3 months (which is the bare minimum it would take to see genuine behavior change that is sustainable) — allowing your mind and body to be where its healthiest (versus the perfectionist images we see in the media). The deep health approach to your health and wellbeing transforms not just your nutrition habits, but your whole self-care!
How can I help you?
You are ready for a new and empowering approach to:
- Cut through the clutter of the “diet” industry and the nutritional confusion of the latest eating plans
- Free yourself from the burnout of restrictive diets, yo-yo dieting and weight cycling
- Feel good in your unique body
- Understand what’s actually driving “overeating”
- Address emotional eating as a symptom, not the “problem”
- Navigate perimenopause, menopause, “manopause” health.
- Address health conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
- Boost your energy and block time in your busy schedule for self-care.
- Build physical activity, sleep, and stress resilience skills.
- Ignite your personal growth and development to be your BEST SELF!
What to Expect
Coaching is a collaborative process that includes a mixture of respectful inquiry, listening, teaching points, experimentation, and well-chosen weekly action steps to reach your wellness destination.
I will support you with the tools best suited to your needs:

Using the latest in nutrition science, we’ll collaborate on what’s best for your unique body and health. You’ll learn to separate good nutrition from the diet culture BS.

Intuitive Eating is an evidenced-based, mind-body health approach, comprised of 10 Principles that support a healthy relationship with food and your body. Intuitive Eating is a personal process of honoring health by listening and responding to the direct messages of the body in order to meet your physical and psychological needs. Learn the 10 benefits of Intuitive Eating here.

Having a challenging relationship to your body often affects your eating behaviors. Body dissatisfaction is driven by our culture’s false definition of health as “thinness.” You’ll learn to separate your self-worth from your body size or shape, and practice nutrition and self-care behaviors that allow your body to be its healthiest. Learn 5 steps to a healthy body image here.

You have a unique food and body story driven by your beliefs, mindset, emotions, and past. Dynamic Eating Psychology affirms the importance of this epic story. You can transform your eating concerns through a deeper understanding of what they’re here to teach you by honoring all of who you are as an eater – body, mind, heart and soul.

You have a desired personal or wellness goal, but you can’t seem to reach it or sustain it. Change may feel impossible in your busy and stressful life. But did you know that change is a skill you can develop? You’ll accelerate the change you desire by learning the growth mindset, through purposeful practice and by acting first, before change happens.

Are you truly transforming your whole health – or just focusing on one aspect of it? We’ll collaborate to support your “deep health” which includes your emotional, mental, existential, relational, and environmental health. Why is this important? Because…
Deep Health: Each area of your health is deeply entwined and influences your eating and self-care behaviors.
Deep health is an expression of the interconnectedness of wellbeing.
Example: You work long hours at a stressful job.
You sit at a desk all day (environmental) which causes back pain (physical). You come home anxious (emotional) and answer emails all night, which distracts you from time with your partner and kids (relational). And your family is your top priority (existential). Then you sleep poorly, wake up exhausted, cancel your workout, and reach for sugar and/or a coffee-only breakfast (all physical). You’re super hard on yourself because you’re not at your “ideal weight”- which is a myth by the way (mental). Is there a way out?
Yes. The challenges are connected… but so are the solutions.
The good news is that improving one dimension of your health can change the others. That’s why health-conscious people like you need coaching that’s individualized, thoughtful, and sustainable (not another quick-fix food plan). Tanya

Health Coaching Options

Initial Assessment
In this 75-minute initial assessment, you’ll share your story, goals and why they’re important to you; we’ll assess your deep health: nutrition, movement, sleep, stress, medical history, and blood work; and we’ll craft a simple action plan to get your started. For support on how to implement and sustain your behavior changes, see my single session or […]
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Deep Coaching Session
After your initial assessment session, meet regularly for a deep 60 minute coaching sessions for accountability and to support your health and/or personal growth.
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Coaching Package
If you know that you learn and progress best with regular in depth support and accountability, invest in a package of 10 coaching sessions.
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Mini Coaching Session
If you’re an established client and want to meet for a quick check-in for support and accountability, book your 30-minute mini coaching session.
Apply NowApply now by completing a short questionnaire. We’ll set up time for a complimentary conversation to see if coaching is a good fit for you. ♡ Tanya
Apply for Private Coaching -
Coaching FAQ
What is Wellness Coaching and how can it help me?
Coaching is a vehicle for helping you achieve a higher level of well-being no matter what your starting point. I’ll meet you where you’re at. Coaching is particularly when change is hard. Coaching is a growth-promoting relationship that elicits autonomous motivation, increases your capacity to change, and facilitates change through visioning, goal setting, and accountability, which at its best leads to sustainable change.
How is wellness coaching different than other expert led programs?
Coaching is a partnership. Rather than putting on the expert hat and just “telling you what to do” and expecting you to “just do it,” I collaborate with you to maximize your potential. I honor that you are the expert of your life. Together, we’ll co-design and co-navigate how to get you from where you’re at now to where you want to be with your whole health and well-being.
What Coaching is Not: The Expert Approach
Coaching is an especially powerful methodology when it comes to stimulating behavior change because it’s focused on helping you grow into becoming a more autonomous expert in your own well-being and personal path.
My job as your coach is to collaborate and partner with you to discover your own answers and to create your own possibilities, as far as possible, rather than just tell you want to do and just expect you to do it. Behavior change psychology research shows that’s not how humans change best. Visions, plans and behaviors that originate from YOU are the ones that stick.
What's the Process of Coaching?
Coaching is not limited to helping you improve your nutrition and movement behaviors. It addresses you as a whole person and what it means for you to thrive mentally and physically. Coaching leverages the biology of change and is designed to facilitate sustainable change and optimize your health and well-being.
Here’s what you can expect:
- Before or during your first coaching session, I’ll gather background information from you through (2) self-assessments so that I am well-informed of your priorities, key concerns and any medical conditions.
- During the first session (or over the course of several sessions), you will work toward the creation of your Wellness Vision – where you’d like to see your health and well-being in one year. Then we’ll establish a three-month plan and goals to move you toward your Wellness Vision. You will confirm what you’re ready, willing and able to work on to make change in at least one area.
- In each subsequent coaching session, we’ll review your progress, focus on elevating your energy, brainstorm strategies, meet challenges (as opportunities for growth and learning), develop solutions, generate possibilities, and agree on specific action behaviors for the following week(s) to ultimately reach your outcome goals, your Wellness Vision!
Do I need a running coach?
Coaching is a mixture of respectful inquiry, conversation, listening, teaching points, experimentation, and well-chosen weekly action steps to reach your wellness destination.
How often can I communicate with you?
Coaching is a mixture of respectful inquiry, conversation, listening, teaching points, experimentation, and well-chosen weekly action steps to reach your wellness destination.
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Coaching is a mixture of respectful inquiry, conversation, listening, teaching points, experimentation, and well-chosen weekly action steps to reach your wellness destination.
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Coaching is a mixture of respectful inquiry, conversation, listening, teaching points, experimentation, and well-chosen weekly action steps to reach your wellness destination.
Book a Private Workshop.
Prefer to learn in a community setting? Click below for Intuitive Eating and Be Body Positive Group Coaching details.