
Group Workshops

Book a private group Intuitive Eating or Be Body Positive workshop and learn how to nurture your whole self and wellbeing.

Tanya Mark Be Body Positive Facilitator presenting Befriending Our Bodies at Teton Yoga Festival

Current Workshops

Intuitive Eating 101

Relearning how to eat “intuitively” (as you were born knowing how to eat) takes time and practice. The 10 principles of Intuitive Eating are guidelines that work together to either cultivate or remove obstacles to body attunement — listening for and responding to your unique body signals to guide you to your best health and wellbeing, not diet culture’s version filled with every changing food rules and defining health as coming in only one body size. If you’re ready and committed to liberating yourself from dieting, restrictive food plans, and not feeling good in your body, this class is for you.

Workshop Details
Tanya Mark smiles while dipping a spoon into a chocolate treat.
Tanya Mark smiles while wearing a beaded necklace and holding a coffee mug.

Be Body Positive

The Be Body Positive Model from The Body Positive was developed over a decade of listening to diverse people share what they needed to feel confident in their bodies and to practice excellent self-care. A Stanford University pilot study showed that The 5 Competencies of the Model had a positive effect on participants’ self-reported guilt, belief in the thin ideal, body satisfaction, and social determinants of body image. Further improvements on all measures were shown eight months after group participation.

Workshop Details

Consider Private Coaching

Deep health coaching ditches dieting and perfectionist body ideals and considers the multi-dimensional thriving of you as a whole person in the context of your real and complex life. We collaborate to build a structured self-care plan where you practice “doable” nutrition and health habits, weekly — allowing your body to be where its healthiest. Health isn’t one number on the scale. The deep health approach transforms not just your relationship with food and your body, but your whole wellbeing.

Learn More About Private Coaching
Tanya Mark speaking with a client while holding a one-to-one coaching session.